
As a school we are required to hold policies on a range of issues. All of the policies are available from the school office and some are available here.

Great Chesterford C of E Primary Academy is part of the Great Oak Multi Academy Trust and the following policies can be found on the Great Oak Multi-Academy Trust website.

  • Attendance Policy
  • Charges and Remissions Policy
  • Code of Conduct for Committee Members of Great Oak MAT
  • Code of Conduct for the Directors of Great Oak MAT
  • Complaints Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Equal Opportunities and Accessibility Policy
  • Finance Regulation Policy
  • Gifts and Hospitality Policy
  • Investment Policy
  • Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
  • Procedures for Dealing with Safeguarding Allegations Against Adults in School
  • Whistleblowing Policy